As of 2017, we live in an ecological village called Klil and located in northern Israel.
The settlement was established in 1979 by a group of founders of about 16 families (today there are close to 200)
The village is not connected to the power grid, and all electricity is generated by solar and wind power.
In the village most of the roads are unpaved, there are travel sharing groups, joint purchases, a community nursery where the payments go to the village, and a free second-hand shop where you bring clothes/shoes/kitchen utensils, etc ... unused and when you need something you go to choose there.
The form of settlement in the village is varied from stone houses and blocks, caravans, wooden houses, yurts (Mongolian tents) to train carriages, buses, and even a boat, our boat, called Shoshanaת.
All the houses are in orchards or fields where nature is part of the landscape. There is a lot of experience here to live with nature and not next to it, which sometimes requires a lot of attention to snakes, scorpions, and other venomous animals.
Since the village is not connected to the national power grid, each of the seatelers produces its own electric power using solar panels and batteries. Since it is not a lot made daily It requires us to be constantly attentive to electricity consumption and of course to the weather, especially to the clouds. In terms of purchasing new home appliances, the efficiency and energy consumption of the appliances are always double-checked and purchased accordingly.
Since there is no central sewage system in Klil, we also had to think of what to do with the wastewater that is created and how to do it without contaminating the soil.
We built a system that stores the sewage water and filters the water into a pool called a "wetland” that evaporates the wastewater leaving no odor using aquatic plants that have been planted there that grow beautify and also filter and evaporate the used water.
Hot water for our needs is made using the sun's energy.
All telephone communication and the internet are done over the cellular networks that exist as there is no wired infrastructure nor cable TV.
Towards evening when it gets dark the atmosphere in the village is very unique since there is almost no URI pollution. There are no street lights and flashlights and the only light seen is the light that each house lights up according to the "amount of electricity" made during the day.
Such a life requires creative thinking, especially when it is cold or very hot and the ability to heating or cooling your place depends on nature. It is not always easy and simple but there are always solutions that are both beneficial and pleasant for the environment as well as enough for our self been.
We have built a little paradise that is more than livable.